Parish continues long tradition of adoration
The Church of the Blessed Sacrament, appropriately enough, was the first parish in the Diocese of Wichita to dedicate an adoration chapel.
Not only does it have a long history of adoration, but an indulgence has also been granted by the Vatican to those visiting the church during the Year of the Eucharist.
Kathy Burrus, a member of the parish who has been coordinating adoration there for about four years, said last week that perpetual adoration was initiated there in 1983, nearly 40 years ago.
“We have a day coordinator for each day of the week,” she said. “People can call them or me if they want to commit an hour.”
Her husband, Mike, helps with the adorer sign-in sheets.
“I just keep the ball rolling,” Kathy said. “It’s been a little more challenging because we shut down for a while during Covid and then had to get it all back up going again.”
She praised the day coordinators for their telephone work in restoring adoration in the parish post-Covid.
The parish welcomes non-parishioners to the adoration chapel. Those who wish to sign up for an hour a week may email [email protected] or call the office (316) 682-4557. “When someone calls to commit to an hour,” Kathy said, “I say, ‘You understand you go every week?’”
Substitutes are available, she added, but usually, the adorers know someone who will cover their hour for them when they are unable to get to the chapel.
“I love my hour,” Kathy said. “It’s a time to go in and turn off the noise. Sometimes I read and sometimes I just sit there and soak it all in. It’s very calming. I love my hour and I miss it if something comes up that I have to find a sub.”
Want an indulgence?
A plenary indulgence may be obtained throughout the Year of the Eucharist for visiting the Church of the Blessed Sacrament in Wichita and participating in a sacred function, communal devotions, or spending a fitting amount of time in adoration of the Blessed Sacrament in the tabernacle or in exposition.
Functions include attending Mass, taking part in a solemn holy hour, Benediction, the Stations of the Cross, Morning Prayer, or praying the Chaplet of Divine Mercy.
In addition, the faithful must sacramentally confess their sins, receive Holy Communion, be detached from sin, and pray for the intentions of the Holy Father. If these cannot all be met, the indulgence is partially gained.
The indulgence can be applied to oneself or a soul in purgatory. Only one plenary indulgence may be gained per day.