Kansas Catholic Conference initiates petition for Kansas pro-life amendment
The Kansas Catholic Conference has posted a petition at KansasCatholic.org to advocate for an amendment to the Kansas constitution prohibiting abortion. The effort by the bishops of the four Kansas dioceses is the result of a ruling by the Kansas Supreme Court that eliminated legal prohibitions against abortion.
Abp. Joseph Naumann of Kansas City stated: “The immediate priority for all Kansans concerned with protecting the lives of (preborn) children, as well as pregnant women from an unscrupulous abortion industry, is to pass a state constitutional amendment.”
All four bishops stated that they and the faithful of the state “will not allow this attack on human life to stand.” The petition explains the result of the Supreme Court’s action and what an amendment would do. In addition to signing the petition, the KCC asks the faithful to pray to Our Lady of Guadalupe and to contact their state representative and senator.