Holy Savior Parish kicks off second phase of building project
Father James Billinger hopes he can put away his hardhat in early 2022.
The pastor of Holy Savior Parish in Wichita said earlier this month that the parish kicked off the second phase of its Built of Living Stones capital campaign on Nov. 21. Phase II will put the finishing touches on the Holy Savior campus with a middle school-sized gymnasium, a telehealth clinic, permanent church administrative offices, more restrooms, and more classrooms.
“Phase II will complete the campus and will connect the two existing buildings, the school building and the church building,” he said, adding that until the second phase is complete, some personnel are in temporary offices and in the gathering space of the church.
The telehealth clinic will be an important asset for the neighborhood, Fr. Billinger said.
“It will have resources for people to walk in and be connected to community resources,” he said. “There will be some medical attention there, but it will connect people to services throughout Wichita.”
Fr. Billinger said depending on where the fundraising is in a few months, the parish hopes to begin soliciting construction bids by the end of February or the first of March. Construction could begin six to eight months later.
“We conducted a careful study in August and September that suggested we could go ahead – even though these are challenging times,” he said. “But the benefactors and the parishioners are very much in favor of going forward at this point.”
Want to help Holy Savior finish Phase II?
About $2 million has been raised or pledged for the second phase of Holy Savior’s $4.2 million project. Those who wish to help the parish may send a check to Holy Savior Catholic Church, 3000 E. 13th St. N., Wichita, KS 67214, or visit Holy-Savior.org and click on the “Online Contributions” icon in the upper right corner.