The Office of Respect Life and Social Justice offers a variety of programs and opportunities to serve the community throughout February.

Sidewalk Advocates for Life
will be hosting training sessions in both Wichita and Pittsburg. These trainings equip volunteers to offer compassionate and prayerful support to women facing unplanned pregnancies outside of abortion clinics. Participants learn about the realities of abortion, develop effective communication skills, and gain resources to connect women with life-affirming alternatives. All materials and lunch will be provided free of charge.

Pittsburg training session:
Saturday, February 8, (8:30am-3pm)
Open Door Fellowship (918 W 20th St. Pittsburg)
To register email [email protected]

Wichita training sessions:
Thursday, February 13, (9am-3pm)
St. Joseph Pastoral Center (437 N Topeka, Wichita)
To register or for questions contact Ellen Cyr at 316-677-0327 or [email protected]

First Saturday Rosary
The First Saturday Rosary at Trust Women abortion facility (5107 E. Kellogg Dr.) will be held at 9:00 AM on Saturday, February 1.

Project Rachel Ministry

Project Rachel Monthly Support Gathering
The Project Rachel Monthly Support Gathering will meet Monday, February 10.  The group meets once a month on Monday evening, 6:00-7:30, in Wichita.  The Monthly Support Gathering provides an opportunity for women to heal from the wounds of past abortions by sharing their grief and processing emotions related to their abortions with other women who have been through similar experiences.  For more information, contact Stephanie Nemechek (316) 269-4673 or [email protected]

Rachel’s Vineyard Retreat
A Rachel’s Vineyard Retreat will be held in Wichita April 4-6.  Throughout the weekend, retreatants participate in spiritual exercises and discussions to aid in healing of wounds related to past abortions.  Opportunities are available for the Sacrament of Reconciliation and Mass.  Retreat registration is $100 which includes all retreat materials, meals, and a private room. The retreat is confidential and open to women and men of all faiths. The registration fee can be waived if a financial need exists. To register, contact Stephanie Nemechek (316) 269-4673 or [email protected] 

Warming Souls Volunteers Still Needed

The Diocese of Wichita will participate in Warming Souls during February, serving meals on Saturdays and Sundays to those at the Emergency Winter Shelter at 1025 N. Main, the former Park Elementary School. Items may be donated or full meals brought in to be served. Several breakfast and lunches still open and can be provided without the need to serve.

Those interested may contact Toombs at 316 269-3935 or [email protected].

Birth Mothers Gathering
is a support group specifically designed for women who have made the selfless decision to place their child for adoption. This group provides a safe and understanding environment for birth mothers to share their experiences, process emotions, and find healing and support from others who have walked a similar path.

If you are a birthmother, please consider joining us at our monthly meetings at 6:30 p.m. on the first Tuesday of the month at the Spiritual Life Center located at 7100 E. 45th Street N. in Wichita.

Our next meeting is Tuesday, May 7. For more information call Bonnie Toombs at 316-269-3935, or email Carolyn Utter at [email protected].

If you know of a birthmother who might benefit from the support group, please share this information with her.

Apostle Build 2025

Save the date, we will begin working on the next Apostle build project – build dates are June 3 – August 2. Work days are Wednesday – Saturday. Sign up will open in March. It’s never too early to get your group together. Contact: Bonnie Toombs 316 269-3935 or [email protected]

St Dismas Ministry continues to serve the incarcerated population through volunteer visits, spiritual guidance, and support programs. Bishop Kemme recently celebrated Christmas Mass with inmates at the Winfield Minimum Security Facility, providing a moment of joy and hope during the holiday season.

Cindy Kellick, program coordinator for St. Dismas ministry to the incarcerated has been recruiting volunteers and getting them in training for 2025. The Kolbe prison retreat is scheduled for February 28-March 2 at Winfield.