Bishop Kemme reflects on the significance of Fully Alive! campaign

Dear Friends in Christ,
As we celebrate the joy of Christ’s resurrection, we reflect on the many blessings we have received. The prayers and sacrifices of those who came before us have built up the Church in the Diocese of Wichita. Now, it is our turn to strengthen our parishes, schools, and ministries through our diocesan-wide campaign, One Family, Fully Alive in Christ!

For the last several months, our general chairs, campaign cabinet, development team and I have been busy visiting with some of the most active and generous benefactors from across the diocese. Our goal for this ‘silent phase’ was to raise between $8 million and $12 million towards our total campaign goal of $50 million. I am thrilled to share that, after only four months of active fundraising, we have secured more than $11.3 million in gifts, pledges, and planned gifts. What a remarkable show of support!
I am sincerely grateful to my brother priests, our diocesan ministry leaders, our Campaign Chairs and Cabinet, our Honorary Chairs, and our lead donors who have stepped up in so many ways to help us reach this milestone. Your prayers and leadership have been critical to our success so far. I could not do any of this without you, thank you for your support and partnership!
We are making great progress, but still have a long way to go. In the months ahead, we will be sharing the campaign message with even more Catholic families across the diocese as we kick off the ‘public phase’ in the first wave of parishes. I am encouraged by the enthusiasm and leadership of our wave one pastors, parish leaders, and volunteers who have been working to prepare their parishes for the campaign kickoff in April. With their help and support, I am confident that we will build on our great momentum and invite even more people to respond joyfully and generously.
As I reflect on this historic campaign for our diocesan family, I cannot help but think of those whose lives will be impacted by our work to build up the Church in our region: our Catholic school teachers who devote their lives to sharing the Gospel with the next generation; the young people who attend Camp Totus Tuus and begin to hear a call to the priesthood or religious life; our neighbors in need who feel the loving presence of Jesus through one of our outreach ministries; all those who visit our Cathedral and leave with a renewed sense of hope and peace. Everyone who participates in this campaign will touch the lives of those we serve, now and for years to come.
At Chrism Mass during Holy Week, I had the opportunity to gather with my brother priests and many lay faithful from across the diocese. During that celebration, I publicly and prayerfully kicked off this next phase of our diocesan campaign with a message of gratitude and support. Looking out at a full Cathedral, I was once again struck by the joyful, faith-filled, and generous spirit of the people of our diocese. You all are a blessing, and I am humbled to serve as your shepherd as together we plant seeds that will bear great fruit for our local Church for years to come.
During this Easter Season, please join me in praying for the continued success of the One Family, Fully Alive in Christ! Campaign, for the parishes that will participate in this first wave, and for the countless people whose lives will be touched by the generosity of our Catholic community. Know of my daily prayers for you. I remain,
Humbly yours in Christ,
+The Most Rev. Carl A. Kemme, D.D.
Bishop of the Diocese of Wichita