Regional & Apostolate Gatherings
“At one of the Synodal Experiences listed below, you will get a chance have the opportunity to pray, reflect, and share your experiences with a small group. The fruit that will come from these discussions will be used to help our parishes and diocese become more aware of where the Holy Spirit is leading us and where we are being called to grow in Synodality.”
Regional gatherings:
- Wednesday, May 25 at St. Bridget, Scammon from 6:00-8:30 PM in the Parish Hall
- Tuesday, May 31 St. Anne, Wichita ENG/SP from 6:00-8:30 PM in Setter Hall
- Wednesday, June 1 at St. Catherine of Siena, Wichita from 6:00-8:30 PM in the Parish Hall
- Thursday, June 2 Cathedral of the Immaculate Conception for Religious Communities in St. Pius Room
- Saturday, June 4 at St. Joseph, Conway Springs from 9:30-Noon in the Cafeteria
- Friday, June 10 at the Cathedral of the Immaculate Conception ENG/SP from 6:00-8:30 PM in Good Shepherd Hall
Synodal groups and apostolate gatherings:
- Tuesday, May 31 for Families from 5:30-8 PM, Cathedral, Good Shepherd Hall
- Thursday, June 2 for Retired adults from 9-11 AM, Cathedral, Good Shepherd Hall
- Tuesday, June 30 for Non-practicing Catholics from 6-8:30 PM, Church of the Magdalen
If you would like to learn more about the synod, we would recommend reading the Diocese of Wichita’s Vision and Timeline document, and Pope Francis’ homily to open the synod.
If you have any questions please let us know.
Catholic Diocese of Wichita
424 N. Broadway
Wichita, KS 67202
Phone: (316) 269-3900