Quo Vadis Retreat

with Fr. Ed Pelrine

December 27-29, 2024
Spiritual Life Center, Wichita, KS

The Quo Vadis Retreat is an opportunity to examine where your life is going and ask the Lord if you are going in the right direction. This retreat is designed for young men to discern a vocation to the priesthood, to religious life, or to marriage. On this retreat, you will take time to ask the Lord where He desires to lead you.

(Open to men who are High School Juniors through 30 years of age.)

A Parental Permission Form is required for all participants who are in High School. A Medical Release Form is required for all participants. Review each form for submission deadlines.


Our Retreat Master

Father John Dietrich

Fr. John J. Dietrich, Archdiocese of Hartford
Originally from Ohio
1988, graduated from University of St. Thomas and St. Mary’s College Seminary, Houston, Texas
Class of 1992, Mount St. Mary’s Seminary, Emmitsburg, Maryland
First assignment:  Parochial Vicar, St. Francis of Assisi Parish
Second assignment:  Vocation Director  (1995-2001)   
2001—2018, Director of Spiritual Formation, Mount St. Mary’s Seminary, Emmitsburg, Maryland
2018—present, Pastor, St. Matthew & St. Gregory the Great Parish, Bristol, Connecticut
B.A., University of St. Thomas, Houston, TX
M.A. (Moral) , M.Div., Mt. St. Mary’s Seminary
M.A., Christian Spirituality & Certificate of Spiritual Direction, Creighton University, Omaha, NE

The Legend

“Where are you going?”

The name Quo Vadis refers to a story about St. Peter that occurred a few days before his crucifixion. Legend tells us that as Peter was walking away from Rome he encountered Jesus carrying His cross on the Appian Way. Peter was leaving Rome in discouragement due to the persecutions, thinking that Christ’s Church would never be founded.

When he encountered Jesus, Peter asked Him, “Quo Vadis Domine?” or “Where are you going, Lord?” Jesus replied, “I am going to Rome to be crucified once again.” At that moment, St. Peter’s discouragement turned to courage. He turned around and walked back to Rome, knowing what he had to do. A few days later he bore witness to Christ and was crucified upside down in the area of the Vatican Hill, planting the seed where the Church would grow.