Foster Care & Adoption Awareness Ministry
Our mission is to engage and equip parishes and individuals to
support and encourage families through all stages of foster care and adoption.
The Church is the solution!
Because care of the orphan and the works of mercy are part of the mission for all baptized Catholics, we have the grace needed to meet this challenge. If only 2% of Catholics opened their homes to foster for even a short period of time and 5% volunteered in some way to help these kids and their families, we can help these children and the families who care for them THRIVE! Answering this call is part of the Gospel mandate to go forth as missionary disciples.
Ways You Can Help
God our Father, through the loving sacrifice of your son, Jesus Christ, you have given a home to us and all the forsaken. Give us the eyes of Christ to see the vulnerable children and families in our midst. Give us hearts that break for what breaks the heart of Jesus. Encouraged by the example of St. Joseph, foster father of the Lord, enflame us with the compassion of your Holy Spirit to make our homes and parishes places of love, support and protection for kids in crisis and their families.
o Pray a rosary for adoptive, foster, and biological families
o Host an Adoration hour at your parish to pray for the children in foster care
The CarePortal connects parishes to children and families with vital needs through the caseworker. CarePortal is an online platform that brings the needs of hurting children and families in your community to your attention. Caseworkers uncover the needs. CarePortal makes local churches and community members aware of needs, giving them an opportunity to respond to those needs.
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Is God calling you to be a foster parent?
Foster families are in a unique position to help children in their care by providing a safe and stable home.
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Is God calling you to be a respite care provider?
Respite Care Families provide coverage for other foster parents for partial days or overnight help in situations when the primary foster family needs time away.
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Is God calling you to be a mentor?Through mentoring the Catholic community can make a real difference in the lives of children by volunteering their time, talent, and heart.
Mentors are needed for children, teenagers, and young adults in the foster care system.
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Our parish communities can live the Corporal Works of Mercy by providing support to foster care families.
Even if you are not feeling called to foster at this time, there are many other ways to help:
Offer a respite night at the parish
Start a Bunk Bed Ministry
Offer a monthly rosary or Holy Hour to strengthen families
Host a Supplies Drive
• Contact one of the Foster Care Agencies to see what is most needed for foster children and foster families
• Consider hosting your drive at critical times of the year such as back-to-school or Christmas.
• Children need suitcases or duffle bags as no child should carry their belongings in a trash bag. Personal hygiene items and clothing are always needed.
• Provide Services: meals; personal care (hair stylists, etc.); home repairs; home cleaning; vehicle maintenance; services for special events (prom, birthdays, holidays, etc.); transportation for appointments, hospital visits, school and parish events, etc.
• Provide material support for older children “aging out” of the child welfare system: deposits, vehicle or other transportation, insurance, meals, job placements, budget/financial planning, resume writing/interview skills, etc.
• Donate to the Respect Life and Social Justice Office-Foster Care & Adoption Ministry
Respect Life & Social Justice
Catholic Diocese of Wichita
424 N. Broadway
Wichita, KS 67202
Phone: (316) 269-3900