Value Them Both Amendment failed to be passed Statement


Dear Brothers and Sisters in Christ,

            As the Value Them Both Amendment failed to be passed, I wish to take this opportunity to express my deepest gratitude to all who worked so hard to promote the amendment across our state. Like so many of you, I voted YES and did so with the confidence that this amendment would prevent Kansas from becoming an abortion destination and that more babies and their mothers would be spared from the clutches of the abortion industry. Nevertheless, the majority has spoken, however much disappointment and sadness this outcome causes us.

Though disappointed, we cannot allow this particular defeat to discourage us from continuing the important work of fostering the culture of life, a culture that respects all life, including the lives of the unborn, who are human beings made in the image and likeness of God and who deserve the God-given rights to life, liberty and the pursuit of happiness. No Amendment, however worthy it was, would have completely changed the culture of death, so at work in our times.  What will change the culture of death into a culture of life is the conversion of hearts, one heart at a time.

So let us continue our important work, the work of the Gospel of Life; let us continue to work to make abortion an unthinkable choice; let us work to support and encourage all our crisis pregnancy centers across the state, which each day saves babies and value mothers;  let us continue to support adoption and foster care programs so that every child is wanted and cared for and let us continue to pray for the courage to witness to the Truth, Goodness, and Beauty that is God, the giver of all life, human and divine. Thank you. God bless you!


Most Reverend Carl A. Kemme D.D.

Bishop of Wichita