Bishop Kemme Announces Results
of Campaign Feasibility Study

Thank you to the more than 2,000 Catholic families from across the diocese who participated in our campaign feasibility study. Based on the positive results of the study, I am pleased to share that we are moving forward with a diocesan-wide campaign. I am confident that this will be an opportunity for us to renew a spirit of faith and generosity and embrace the call to live with apostolic courage. Please join me in praying for the Holy Spirit’s guidance as together we build up our local Church!
Most Reverend Carl A. Kemme, D.D.

Facts & Figures

The Diocese of Wichita recently completed a comprehensive campaign feasibility study. Thank you to the more than 2,000 local Catholic families who participated in the study. Based on the information gathered, our partners at the Steier Group, a Catholic development consulting firm, reported their findings and recommendations to Bishop Carl A. Kemme, along with his diocesan leadership team, ministry leaders, and the clergy. From the many responses to personal interviews and mail and online surveys, the firm recommended moving into a preparation and planning phase for a diocesan-wide campaign to kick off later this year. Key findings and recommendations from the study are outlined below or you can access the summary report:


  • 372 respondents indicated that they would assist with personal visits to help secure gifts and pledges

  • 74 clergy and lay leader respondents indicated they would serve on a clergy or campaign committee

  • 422 respondents indicated they have already included a gift to their parish or the diocese in their will or estate plan

  • 260 respondents are interested in learning more about an estate gift to their parish or the diocese

A Time of Planning and Preparation

This is an exciting time for our Catholic community in the Diocese of Wichita! Over the coming months, there are many details to work out, including finalizing campaign priorities, how and when individual parishes will participate in the campaign, identifying and recruiting volunteer leaders, and so much more. Stay tuned for more information and please join Bishop Kemme in praying for the guidance of the Holy Spirit, especially during these early days of planning for the campaign. Thank you again for your prayers and support as together we work to build up the Church in the Diocese of Wichita.


Recommendations and Next Steps:

  • Move immediately into a planning and preparation phase for a diocesan-wide campaign.

  • Finalize the campaign goal and priorities based on the feedback received during the study.

  • Appoint a clergy committee to assist Bishop in determining campaign policies and procedures.

  • Identify and recruit lay leaders from across the diocese to serve on the campaign cabinet.

  • Develop a case for support to show how the campaign priorities will advance the mission of the diocese and impact the lives of Catholic families, now and for many years to come.


Look for additional information about the campaign in the coming weeks and months.


Please contact the Office of Development & Planned Giving at 316-269-3917or by filling out the form.

Thank you for your participation and interest in this important initiative!