Striving to build up the true Christian spirit in the faithful of our diocese by promoting full, conscious, and actual participation in the prayer of the Church.
Dec 13
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Liturgical Ministers
Extraordinary Ministers of Holy Communion
Altar Servers
Extraordinary Ministers
An individual must attend a diocesan formation session to become an Extraordinary Minister of Holy Communion. Contact to your parish to register.
A letter verifying attendance at the session and a certificate allowing the individual to exercise the ministry will be sent to the parish or institution. The individual will then be commissioned according to the rite from the Book of Blessings. The term of service is no more than 5 years, expiring Dec. 31 of each year.
“The Sacred Scriptures contain the Word of God and, because they are inspired, they are truly the Word of God” (DV 24). God speaks to his people, opening up to them the mystery of redemption and salvation, and offering spiritual nourishment; and Christ himself is present through his word in the midst of the faithful (GIRM 55).
The carefully prepared lector assists those who hear the readings from the sacred texts to develop in their hearts a sweet and loving affection for Sacred Scripture (GIRM 101).
To become a lector, please contact your parish.
Altar Servers
Servers should be mature enough to understand their responsibilities and to carry them out with appropriate reverence. They should have already received Holy Communion for the first time.
Proper formation is required before serving. The formation should include instruction on the Mass, its parts and their meaning, the objects used in the liturgy (names and use), and functions of the server during the Mass and other liturgical celebrations. They should also receive guidance on maintaining proper decorum and attire.
The Office of Worship has a large quantity of musical settings of the Mass which contain sample sheet music and CD’s from WLP. These are available free upon request from the Office of Worship.
Chant settings for the revised Order of Mass will be included in every new publication of missalettes, hymnals, and certain worship aids.
Contact Us
Catholic Diocese of Wichita
424 N. Broadway
Wichita, KS 67202
Phone: (316) 269-3900