Statement by Bishop Kemme on the opening ceremonies of the Paris Summer Olympics

Dear Brothers and Sisters in Christ,
As most of you know, the opening ceremonies for the Paris Summer Olympics included what by most accounts was a mockery of the Last Supper, something we Christians honor and hold dear.
Although I did not see the opening ceremonies myself, I nevertheless watched on social media portions of the scene in question. I was shocked and horrified, even though some are now trying to explain it as something entirely different. Nevertheless, it was deeply offensive. As a result, I join my voice to many bishops and other Christian leaders in condemning this display of blasphemy.
At one time, France was referred to as the eldest daughter of the Church. From her came many saints and martyrs. It was in France that the Blessed Virgin Mary appeared to St. Bernadette and gave us the healing waters of Lourdes. What an outrage, that this anti-Christian display of so-called “art,” would take place in what was once a deeply Catholic country.
I invite my fellow Christians not only to condemn this shameless display, by contacting the International Olympic Committee at, but also to join me in repentance and reparation to God for it, even though we ourselves are its victims. To counter demonic evil, Jesus taught, that we should resort to fasting and prayer. I plan to respond in this way and invite you to join me.
May God bless the French people who remain devoted to their Christian faith and may God help us all to show decency and respect to every person’s religious traditions and beliefs.
The Most Reverend Carl A. Kemme D.D.
Bishop of Wichita