Diocese of Wichita Feasibility Study


The Diocese of Wichita strives to live stewardship as a way of life. As stewards, we see everything we have, everything we are, and everything we will be as a gift from God and respond in love and gratitude with a total gift of self. We use our time, talent, and treasure to grow closer to God and each other and ultimately to bring Him honor and glory. We give and serve not out of obligation and duty, but of sincere desire, and in thanksgiving for all that He has done for us. For the steward, this way of life and giving of love is as natural as breathing itself. For years, parishioners have given generously¨†sacrificially†and†proportionally†to†support the mission of the Church through our parishes and broader diocesan ministries.

After months of prayerful study and discussion, Bishop Carl A. Kemme, along with diocesan and lay leaders¨†have†identified†several†extraordinary†needs that†go†beyond†the†day≠to≠dayƆNeeds†that†help†fulfill our mission to “go forth faithfully to preach the Gospel to all God’s children and to evangelize today’s culture.”

The Diocese of Wichita is considering a major fundraising effort to address these important needs, but we need your help – your voice and your gifts. The decisions we make now and the steps we take can help the Catholic Church flourish in south-central Kansas – not just for today, but for generations to come.

Take a moment to complete our online survey:
Diocese of Wichita Planning Study survey


For more information download our: Fact Sheet